Practical placement is where you are placed in a workplace for a structured period coordinated by the Tracmin Pty. Ltd. and a host employer.
The purpose of practical placement is to provide you with hands-on experience in real workplace tasks under real workplace conditions, enabling you to gain the necessary experience and to be work-ready at the completion of your course.
Practical placement is where you are placed in a workplace for a structured period coordinated by the Tracmin Pty. Ltd. and a host employer.
The purpose of practical placement is to provide you with hands-on experience in real workplace tasks under real workplace conditions, enabling you to gain the necessary experience and to be work-ready at the completion of your course.
The program is broken into FIVE (5) key areas where you, AIVD, and the host employer play a significant part being:
At the commencement of the course, you will be provided with information by your trainer and assessor regarding practical placement.
Tracmin will work to place you with a host employer that is suitable both for you and the host employer.
Please be aware that you will need to make yourself available to attend practical placement which is at the discretion of the host employer.
We offer all students assistance with sourcing placement within a 30-minute radius of their residential address.
Students can also source their own placement if they do not accept the arrangements made by Tracmin.
Placement is a minimum of 3 days per week, often with a mixture of AM and PM shifts that typically consist of 7.00am – 3.00pm and 2.45pm – 10.45pm.
NB: Placement will not include weekend shifts.
Our Practical Placement Handbook contains useful information for all students covering topics relating to practical placement during your time completing one of our qualifications (provided there is a practical component).
Click on the button below to see the Practical Placement Handbook.
Working With Children’s Check (WWCC)/Police Check/NDIS/COVID Vaccine/Flu Shots
The qualification you are enrolled into may require you to obtain a working with children’s check and/or a police clearance check and/or NDIS Screening check and COVID Vaccine certificate PRIOR to the commencement of practical placement.
You will be required to provide evidence of at least 3 COVID vaccines and the flu shot is mandatory, however, this may change at the discretion of the host employer.
These checks are mandatory processes and copies must be provided to Tracmin PRIOR to commencement of practical placement.
You will receive an email from the Practical Placement Coordinator outlining the requirements for checks relating to your course.
Once you receive your checks, it is your responsibility to email them to so we can upload these to your portfolio.
It is expected that these checks are completed and received BY WEEK 6 of your training program.
Prior to the commencement of your practical placement, you will be required to attend an induction with the host employer.
This is a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with the business, people, and facilities. The following points will be addressed during the induction:
– Description of the business including the values, objectives, structure, customers, and culture
– Job roles and responsibilities
– Student responsibilities
– Introduction to key personnel
– Work conditions such as uniforms, personal protective equipment, hours, breaks etc.
– Tour of the workplace and facilities
Relevant procedures such as attendance, safety (risks, emergencies, reporting), confidentiality, grievance
Employer Information
Your host employer will have certain expectations relating to your behaviours and attitudes as you undertake your practical work placement.
Remember, you are representing the organisation and have a responsibility to show a positive image to the clients that you are working with.
The basic expectations that you need to meet on a daily basis include the following:
– Show a hard-work ethic and a positive attitude toward your work.
– Be honest and follow through on your promises.
– Finish each task that is allocated to you, to the best of your ability.
– Smile and enjoy the opportunity to work in a live environment.
– Respect your clients, co-workers, and supervisors.
– Be courteous, polite, and well-mannered.
– Listen to instructions and ask questions if you are unsure.
– Maintain high standards of personal presentation and hygiene.
– Offer your help or ask your supervisor or co-workers for more work when you have finished a task.
– Arrive for your shift at least 10 minutes before the planned start time and be ready to begin work on-time.
– Stick to your allocated break times.
– Maintain the privacy and confidentiality of any personal or sensitive information that you have been provided with as part of your work placement.
– Work in a safe manner at all times by following the workplace’s health and safety instructions, policies, and procedures.
– Do not engage in any personal activities during a work shift, including meetings with friends or family and using your mobile phone.
Attendance and Absenteeism
Attendance is an important part of the placement where you must undertake mandatory hours outlined in your practical placement agreement.
Your host employer will provide you with your roster and you are required to attend all shifts allocated.
Attendance must be recorded in the Practical Placement Workbook for your qualification and signed by the host supervisor during every shift.
If you are sick or unavailable for any of your scheduled shifts at placement you are to call (not text) your host supervisor and Tracmin immediately.
The time spent absent will have to be made up in your own time and within the timeframe of the training specified on your training plan.
A medical certificate also is required from your G.P. Further information on attendance and absenteeism will be explained during your induction.
Travel Requirements
You will be required to make travel arrangements to and from your practical placement venue.
Tracmin will make every attempt to ensure your host employer is within a 30-minute radius of your residential address
Child Care Arrangements
Please be aware that Tracmin does not provide childcare during class sessions and/or whilst you are attending placement.
Issues Arising during Placement
Tracmin is committed to providing quality services which foster your needs and efforts in reaching competency.
At any time, you feel ‘at risk’ of not achieving that competency, or if any serious issues arise during placement please contact: Practical Placement Coordinator.
Accidents and Incidents
In the unforeseen circumstance you are injured in an accident Tracmin must be informed immediately.
The host employer will discuss the process to you during your induction clearly outlining all responsibilities.
You will also be required to complete a A-760.4 Practical Placement Accident Report Form
Dress Code
You will need to ensure that you dress appropriately for the host employer.
– Neat, clean, ironed, and professional attire is required.
– The wearing of sweatpants, workout wear, leggings, and jeans of any colour is not permitted.
– Clothes may be fitted but should not be tight and must not show cleavage or midriff (including whist bending and stretching) – see examples below.
– Shoes should be plain black in colour, fully enclosed, and made of non-absorbent materials with a minimal heel.
– Long hair should be pulled back, and no body piercing jewellery is to be visible except a simple stud.
– Fingernails should be short and clean with no artificial nails or nail polish.
– Good hygiene is also required during your placement including clean hair, teeth, hands, and fingernails.
– This will also be discussed at your pre- placement interview and induction.
– Depending on the host employer you may be asked to wear a uniform and/or professional protective equipment and clothing
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